Marketing Club / Club Activities

Program Report


Intercollege Quiz Competition 2021

Held on 5th October 2021

Organized by

Marketing Club of BVBIMS, Kolkata BIMSBUZZ


The marketing club of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute of Management Science, Kolkata (BVBIMS, Kolkata) BIMSBUZZ had organized an inter-college quiz contest 2021. The quiz competition was held on 5th October through Google Meet.


All the inhouse faculties, students and students of different colleges. Total 100 attendees.


Prof. Ramakanta Patra (Principal of BVBIMS)

Prof. Indrajit Sinha

Prof. Biswarup Chatterjee

Prof. Joydeep Mukherjee

Prof. Priyadarshini Laishram

President, Pavel Sarkar

Vice president, Ranadeep Chakrabarti

Secretary, Arghajit Mitter

Joint secretary, Ria Majumder

Creative head, Vishnu Dev Pandey

PR head cum Treasurer, Sounak Basu

Club council coordinator, Sourav Chattoraj

Council Members:

Akansha Priya

Arnab Das

Arunangshu Roy

Avantika Sharma

Debarati Maitra

Dipanjan Chakraborty

Jhilik Chatterjee

Lopamudra Hazra

Niyar Raj Kashyap

Papiya Chakraborty

Romit Mukherjee

Sanskar Singh

The Program was coordinated by the members of the marketing club of BVBIMS Kolkata, BIMSBUZZ.

About the Program

The total number of 35 participants had been grouped into 5 groups consisting of 7 participants in each group. The details of the groups were shared with the participants along with the invitational email. The quiz fundamentally functioned in 3 levels (Level 1,2 and 3).

  1. Level 1
  • A group was chosen randomly and each participant from the group will be asked 2 questions in total carrying 5 points each. The time allotted to answer each question is 5-7 seconds. 
  • 4 participants with the most points from each group proceeded to the next round i.e. level 2. 
  • In case of a tie, 2 questions were asked to the tied participants each respectively and the time given was the same i.e. 5-7 seconds. The participant with more number of correct answers then proceeded to the next round. 
  1. II) Level 2
  • In level 2, the remaining 4 participants from all the groups were asked 2 questions each carrying 5 points. The time allotted to answer a question was 10 seconds. 
  • The top performer from each of the groups made it to the 3rd and the final round. 
  • In case of a tie, 2 questions were asked to the tied participants each respectively and the time given was the same i.e. 10 seconds. The participant with more number of correct answers then proceeded to the next round.

 III) Level 3

  • In the final round, all the 5 remaining participants were asked 3 questions each carrying 10 points. The time allotted to answer a question was 15 seconds. 
  • The top 3 participants were ranked according to their final scores. 
  • In case of a tie, 2 questions were asked to the tied participants each respectively and the time given was the same i.e. 15 seconds. The participant with more number of correct answers made it to the final 3.


First Position -  Shivankit Mukherjee (BVBIMS)

Second Position – Ritika Sardar (BVBIMS)

Third Position -  Tathagata Bandhyopadhya (BVBIMS)

Participants Feedback

At the end of the program each attendee had filled up the feedback form circulated through a google form. They had also been asked to put forth their suggestion for further improvement and their choice of programs in the near future. Parameters were evaluated on an agreement scale of 1 to 5 where 1 being the strongly disagree and 5 being the strongly agree.

Please download the Program Brochure of Intercollege Marketing Quiz Content-2021

Please click below link to download the Ranks
