Teaching Pedagogy



Teaching pedagogy at Bhavan is a mix of classroom learning, learning aids, group learning, case study and non-classroom activities.

Classroom Learning is primarily meant for theoretical and conceptual inputs. Faculty from diverse areas of specializations and corporate heads are frequently invited to interact with the students. Books and periodicals from national and international sources complement classroom lectures. Emphasis is laid on use of audio visual aids and software packages.

A prominent constituent of the teaching methodology is Group Learning, which is based on the fact that peer group learning is very effective. It prepares prospective managers to be proactive in seeking and acquiring knowledge, rather than having it “imparted” in the classroom. Free exchange of ideas among members of each group through discussion and presentation not only leverages on time and effort, but also enhances communication skills besides inculcating the virtue of self-study.

Case studies are generally used in classroom interactions to expose the students to real life issues of business problems. The decision making under ‘real life’ conditions imparts that managerial skills in the students keeping them to develop beyond not confined to any theory only. The summer project which forms a part of the curriculum gives the students the opportunity to work in the industry for 6-8 weeks or more.

An unique and effective teaching pedagogy makes Bhavan’s Institute of Management Science as best management educational institiute in India.